San Antonio Manufacturers Association

Women in Manufacturing:

Breaking Barriers for Successful Careers in Manufacturing




Manufacturers already are contending with waves of lack of employment and are working really hard to convince young people that traditional perceptions of manufacturing are just that: traditional, outdated, not at all in line with today's sleek, clean manufacturing facilities and the efficient, high-tech reality of much of today's manufacturing work.


It's also not news that women can play a key role in addressing manufacturing's serious labor crunch. While women make up 47% of the overall U.S. labor force, they represent only 29% of the manufacturing workforce.

We know that manufacturing offers high-quality jobs with incredible opportunities for advancement. These are family-sustaining and personally rewarding jobs for individuals across a wide range of educational backgrounds and professional interests.

Come listen to prominent women in manufacturing, as they discuss and answer questions about Women in Manufacturing - Breaking Barriers for Successful Careers in Manufacturing. 


Panelist Include:


Bianca Rhodes

President & CEO, Knight Aerospace

Terri Rogers

President, O.W. Lee Co., Inc.

Vanessa Van de Putte

President & CEO, Dixie Flag & Banner Company

Mona Helmy

CEO, Helmy Associates & Co., Inc.

Mary Batch

Manager - Talent Management/Human Resources, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas, Inc.

SAMA | Women in Manufacturing - Breaking Barriers for Successful Careers in Manufacturing

  • Thursday Oct 28 2021, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Virtual: Zoom